Posted in Без рубрики, Մաթեմատիկա


19Հաշվի՛ր արտահայտության արժեքը։

4500 ։ 10  + (5000 : 100 + 5)   x 10 = 450+550= 1000

6300 : 63 :  (400 : 8 x 2)  = 100:100= 1

32 x (5 x 2) + (30 x 20 + 800:10) = 320+680 = 1000 

5000 ։ (25 x 4 x 10) = 5000:1000= 5

500 x (250 : 10 : 5 ) x  10 = 50×500 = 25000

Posted in Без рубрики, english

The animals in my yard

One day our neighbor’s dog run to the stones. He see a kitty under the stones. The kitty can not get out. Our neighbor’s dog name is Shoko. Shoko begins to help the kitty. He helps kitty and get out from under the stoms. Everiy day after that Shoko and kitty play, run and jamp in our yard.

In this story the little red hen liks to work, bad her frinds lazy dog, sleepy and noisy yellow duck do not like to work. And little red hes success.

The red rose is so beautiful. The cactus is so hard and thorny. The cactus has storege in it’s leaves. And cactus helps the red rose in hod weather.

A farmer finds a metal pot. The metal pot multiplies mangos, spades,many and kings. It helps farmer to become rich.